Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Just Desserts for Thanksgiving

I always love this time of year... 

The gathering of family and friends giving thanks for all there is in our lives, the all too familiar aroma coming from the kitchen as dinner time draws near and the delicious desserts we get to indulge in without remorse.

I make all the traditional pies...

 Pumpkin Pie

 American Apple Pie

And, my family's favorite...

Chocolate Pecan Pie
A twist on the traditional Pecan Pie by simply adding chocolate chips.

We always have the Fruits of Miami 

 Mangos, Bananas, Limes



My husband...yes, my husband, makes Guava Jam for the holidays.

Yumm...I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner and my *just desserts*!

Wishing you and yours a Wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. What a delicious posting Liz! I love pies and definitely love guava! I grew up in a place in Mexico where guavas or guayabas as we called them, were abundant and delicious. The were yellow, white and pink guavas and I absolutely loved them. I place them on my altar for Day of the Dead and their delectable aroma inundates the room.

    Wishing you a great holiday season!


  2. Thanks so much, Trinidad. I hope your holidays are the best! The pies, mangos and guavas were delicious and a great success for Thanksgiving. Guavas and mangos are very popular here in Miami and are used in many delectable deserts that I enjoy. I grew up in south Texas near the Mexican border and am familiar with the Day of the Dead celebrations and enjoy all the Tex-Mex food I can eat!

