Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Newest Treasures

I've been busy in this new year antiquin' and junkin'...scouring estate sales, garage sales, flea markets and antique shows for my newest treasures...

Victorian Rose Side Chairs

Repousse Compote

Handpainted Rooster Cannisters

Vintage Tableclothes and Aprons

Ooh La La French Ladies Busts

...all coming soon to Chictiques.

I want to mention a fantastic French Country Cottage giveaway for a $100 Lowes gift card. Whoo Whoo! Visit 

or click on the French Country Cottage blog button on right sidebar  
for a chance to win!

Wishing you all good luck and a fabulous week!!



Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Inspiration

Happy New Year Everyone!!

2011 was a special year for me. It was filled with new beginnings in so many ways with inspiration from so many sources. It was mostly about finding my passion again and doing what I love to do.

My Antiques Shop...an era gone by.

After closing my antiques shop several years ago, I continued selling online but, did not launch my website until the end of 2011. It has taken some time but I have found my passion again. 

I have high hopes for 2012! What seems to inspire me and keep me going are the inspirational quotes I see on facebook, pinterest and many other websites. Here are some of my favorites...

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do, well.
Henry W. Longfellow

"'Hope' is the thing with feathers --
That perches in the soul --
And sings the tune without the words --
And never stops -- at all -- . . . " Emily Dickinson

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be Inspired....and Dare to Dream!
