Thursday, October 13, 2011

Welcome to Chictiques Antique and Vintage Treasures

This is first blog entry! Thanks to all of you for joining me here. I've been busily getting my website up and running and adding all my one-of-a-kind antique & vintage treasures for you to browse, just in time for the holiday season.  You will find lots of truly chic antiques, beautiful vintage home decor and collectibles on my website where you can do what we do!  I hope you  visit here often and enjoy your time at


  1. Oh boy, I don't think I've ever been anyone's first blog entry..I feel so privileged! You have some amazing items on your website, and I look forward to getting to know you better! I'm a Florida girl, too..north of you on the Space Coast! Welcome to blogland..even tho' I'm just a stalker, no blog of my own, but I chat a lot on facebook!
    Andrea on the Space Coast

  2. Thanks so much, Andrea! I look forward to getting to know you too. We are neighbors, after all. I hope you visit here often for all the latest and visit for all my new acquisitions.
